As a healer I know I've gotten this a lot, even lately as an artist I've had my share of it. As a generally helpful person it's hard to draw the line in the sand when it comes to helping people. While some lines are obvious, you wouldn't sacrifice the life of one person you care about for another (yea I know a wee bit of an extreme example) others are more subtle and harder to gauge. I think a big warning flag when you are in a draining relationship with a person or thing is when the very thought of them/it brings dread. That's pretty obvious, isn't it...or is it? Sometimes the feeling masks itself as concern, pity, sympathy, and even empathy. If you're a caring person like me, you genuinely don't want to see someone suffer. But when they are choosing their own suffering, contributing to the cycle moment after moment. Flailing in the water, and they start dragging you down, you have a problem. It's time to breathe & step back. As visionary Megan Monique Harner says, "'say yes to helping others when it brings you joy." It's okay to say no, or only say yes sometimes. It's empowering even. When the things, relationships, and other energies in your life aren't filling you up it's time to take stock of the situation. If something isn't bringing you joy or fulfillment in a positive way it may be time to release it. In the comments below, share with me:
Thank you for taking time to join me for this edition of "Healing Thought Thursday"! If you haven't already, make sure you follow my blog so you never miss another post! Join me on social media to keep up with me real time, and for the first word on any & everything here join the newsletter! Blessings & Namaste Dearest! Saying good-bye is hard. But I think harder still than just a good-bye is releasing something (or someone) that isn't aligned with your life purpose... Related Reading...
You may have heard of it before, a Life Path Number, your Expression Number.
But what does any of that mean? How do you figure that out? Welcome to this month's installment of Spotlight on Numerology. Where I discuss different components of numerology for those not in the know!
This month I'll be talking about the Progressive Report, what it is and what it tells you! Welcome to this month's installment of Spotlight on Numerology. Where I discuss different components of Numerology for those not in the know!
This month I'll be talking about your Personality Report, what it is and it's importance! |