Chakra & Aura Therapy
What is a chakra?
A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy within the auric field in the Etheric Body. The word "chakra" means wheel in Sanskrit and traditionally these energy centers are viewed as spinning circles of specific colors. A chakra is formed by the crossing of nadis, or energetic lines, in the body. The more intersections the larger the chakra appears.
How many chakras are there?
There are several systems with different interpretations on the amount of chakras there are. In reality there are thousands of chakras located all over the body, the "main" ones however are located along major intersections that flow along the midline of the body. In our practice we focus on seven in particular (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown). Other healers may also acknowledge additional chakras that are in or outside of the body.
How do you know when there is something wrong with your chakras?
Problems with the chakras will eventually manifest within the physical body, but depending on the severity of the imbalance and the overall strength of the person and their energy system this may take some time. However, looking at the energy bodies will show imbalances before they may be even apparent in the physical body.
What is the aura?
The aura is similar to an energetic cocoon or egg that envelopes and radiates out from the body. It is fed by the energy of the chakras and has several layers representing the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The aura is typically a mish mash of difference colors indicating the health and state of the bodies and chakras.
About Chakra & Aura Therapy
Our chakra therapy focuses on isolating the chakra(s) that may be causing a problem, clearing them and re-balancing them through activation. This may be accomplished in concert with several other therapies, including color & sound therapies. Stones, flowers, herbs, and certain yogic exercises may also be useful in the clearing and activation of your energy centers.
A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy within the auric field in the Etheric Body. The word "chakra" means wheel in Sanskrit and traditionally these energy centers are viewed as spinning circles of specific colors. A chakra is formed by the crossing of nadis, or energetic lines, in the body. The more intersections the larger the chakra appears.
How many chakras are there?
There are several systems with different interpretations on the amount of chakras there are. In reality there are thousands of chakras located all over the body, the "main" ones however are located along major intersections that flow along the midline of the body. In our practice we focus on seven in particular (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown). Other healers may also acknowledge additional chakras that are in or outside of the body.
How do you know when there is something wrong with your chakras?
Problems with the chakras will eventually manifest within the physical body, but depending on the severity of the imbalance and the overall strength of the person and their energy system this may take some time. However, looking at the energy bodies will show imbalances before they may be even apparent in the physical body.
What is the aura?
The aura is similar to an energetic cocoon or egg that envelopes and radiates out from the body. It is fed by the energy of the chakras and has several layers representing the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The aura is typically a mish mash of difference colors indicating the health and state of the bodies and chakras.
About Chakra & Aura Therapy
Our chakra therapy focuses on isolating the chakra(s) that may be causing a problem, clearing them and re-balancing them through activation. This may be accomplished in concert with several other therapies, including color & sound therapies. Stones, flowers, herbs, and certain yogic exercises may also be useful in the clearing and activation of your energy centers.
© 2014 Butterfly Phoenix Coaching