About the Tarot
The origins are unclear, but despite that, this tried and true method of divination via a set of specific cards proves to be both useful and enlightening. Tarot decks are comprised of 78 cards (though some throw in 1 or 2 extra like the Thoth Deck) that are divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana is generally attributed to deal with lofty circumstances or things that may be considered major or "fated". The Minor Arcana is delegated more towards "everyday" instances and circumstances. The Minor Arcana is also further divided into 4 suits, with 4 court cards each (representing people) and then 10 numbered cards. There are a variety of ways to interpret any of the cards, including the colors, numerology, astrological influences, and general meaning of the card itself. Though decks may vary in how the cards are named (some use the word "Transition" instead of "Death", "Pentacle" rather than "Shield", or "Princess" instead of "Page") tarot decks across the board have the same basic symbolism from deck to deck. Outside of the words here and there the artwork is the only thing that truly differs.
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